About Me

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Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
一个 92 年 11 月份的射手座女生;一个全身上上下下都是普通的细胞构造成的女生;一个因为被社会驯养了而从一个吊儿郎当变成一个会泡图书馆的女生;一个抱着比读书更多的玩乐心态完成高中来到大学升学的女生;一个选了大家都冷眼相看可是自己却喜欢的环境学;一个喜欢拍照摄影及希望可以随时可以旅行的女生,这样的女生就是目前的我。我要做我自己,我的人生是我自己的,我要当我的梦想的领导人!如今外面的空气快让我窒息,I JUST WANT BE FREE!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


大学的这第三个学期真的很忙!加上自己多拿了语言课_ 韩文就更忙了!现在总共 7 科了!啊!

上个学期拿了 Oral Interaction Skill 的英文课,发现很多英文字母都读错了!以及一个字不同意思也有不同念法!也学会看词典上的 phonetic symbols !老实说,对我来说学会看 phonetic symbols 是我最大的收获!哈哈!姐姐也叫我叫她如何看 phonetic symbols。可惜上次学期假期没时间教她就这样离开古晋了。相信还是有机会!你就别再扁嘴了!

这个学期拿了 General Writing Skill 的英文课,不是写 sentences 就是写 essays。对了!还有要写 forum!虽然这个时候爸爸一定会很开心因为我又接触到英文,但写英文?真的,很讨厌! 虽然这么说会很对不起爸爸,也对不起自己,但真的很讨厌英文。可是偏偏我们就是会接触到英文。TT

这个星期的 forum 题目是介绍自己。如下:

Welcome to BBI 2421!

It is now time to embark on an interesting and exciting journey of writing. For your first task, write a short paragraph, about 150 words, to introduce yourself to your instructor and classmates. You may include details such as:
a) Your name, age, programme of study, hometown, family, hobbies, ambition, favourite food and drink, etc.
b) Your interests and experience in writing.
c) Your goal(s) as a BBI2421 student e.g: As a student of BBI2421, I hope I can…..

End your paragraph by writing your favourite quote and how it relates to your life.

e.g: My favourite quote is “Failure is success if we learn from it” by Malcolm Forbes. There are always lessons to be learnt when we fail to achieve something in life. I believe that we can turn failure into success if we do not give up and keep on trying.
Happy writing everyone!


Hello! Nice to meet you all. My name is Wee Sze Yee, coursemates normally call me Wee or even lecturers also. I’m 21 years old unofficially and I’m from Kuching, Sarawak. My ambition is to become a tailor because I enjoy making DIY stuff or maybe I’m being influenced by my mother who is a tailor. However, I’m a future environmentalist, 2nd year bachelor of environmental science and technology student in UPM. I’m not being chosen to be an environmentalist but I choose to do so. Most of the people would say this course is unpopular and unprofessional as compared to accountant, lawyer, doctor and nurse. However, I choose this course because I’m outgoing and I believe I can enjoy myself very much by taking this course. A course that can earn a lot of money and a course that I think I would enjoy with and interested in, I definitely will choose the latter. Anyway, I’m very pleased that my beloved family members always be with me, especially my lovely mother. She always prepares my favourite food which is Kuching Curry Noodles and desserts such as pudding and jelly when I back home during semester break. I love to drink ice-blended drinks which is unhealthy so I’m controlling the drinking frequency. I have few hobbies including jogging and cycling. I enjoy surfing internet and I love blogging the most because I personally think I’m able to release my stress by sharing my feeling and experiences through blogging. Besides that, blogging also allow me to improve my language and writing because my language and writing are not that expert yet. Meanwhile, I hope my language and writing can be improved a lot by taking BBI 2421. “To be, or not to be, that’s a question”, a phrase by William Shakespeare which encourage me not to give out before we have a try because the only thing stopping us is our fear of the unknown.
I think that’s all for this session. Thanks for reading. :)


写到一句自己最喜欢、影响自己最深的名言的时候,竟然只能够想起姐姐以前总挂在嘴边、写在手边的“To be, or not to be, thats a question”。从这篇短短的文章里,发现除了影响深刻的妈妈以外,姐姐也是那个对我影响深刻的人!我的家人都很伟大!我也要争气!


Ok, please kindly ignore my poor english, my grammar mistakes and whatever!



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